The General Theory of Nepotism

If we had elections for the most popular words used by people , then certainly 'Nepotism' would come out all guns blazing as the front runner for the last few months. Nepotism literally means favoritism i.e when the personal preference overpowers merit in positions of public influence. Today I put forward a general theory based on the writings of Karl Marx , Max Weber and Andre Beteille to explain - 1. Why does nepotism exist? 2. How does it develop and what are the various stages through which it grows? 3. How nepotism transformed the varna system into a caste system.. 4. Nepotism today and the beginning of a new caste system. Analysis In this blog , I will initially state a theory in abstract and then take the examples of Politics , Bollywood and Professions to substantiate the theory. The Theory of Nepotism The most visible form of Nepotism can be seen in public life. Also our public life is invariably linked to the economic activities that we participate in. Hence the...